Q: What is the turnaround time once a title or document is ordered?
Approximately 20 minutes during working hours, but often much faster.

Q: If I order a search at 10.00pm at night, when will I receive it?
You may order a search any time of the day or night, our hours of business are from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday so we will get the search back to you before 9.20am the following working day.

Q: How do I request a search if I don’t know the address?
You can click on the “Advanced Search ” link, select the type of search you require then enter the information you do have, be sure to provide as much information as you can.

Q: What happens if I receive the wrong title?
In the unlikely event of that happening we will replace it at no extra cost with the correct title.

Q: Do the interests noted on the title come automatically with the title?
No they do not, however you can order them via the “Advanced search” link, just quote the document/ plan number/s you require, if more than one change the quantity accordingly.

Q: Why does my historical title not come with a plan?
Should you request an historical copy of a title with the reference such as 23473 as opposed to NA34C/123 LINZ do not attach diagram plans to those computer freehold register titles.

Q: What if I want more than just a title, i.e. a document and/or plan?
If there is an interest registered against the title you have ordered, you can click on the “Advanced Search” link, select either document or plan from the selection dropdown box, then enter the document/plan number/s. If there is more than one document or plan you are ordering, don’t forget to select the quantity.

Q: Can I charge up work to an account?
If you are a frequent user and wish to pay on a monthly statement, go to the login page and when registering click on “request a business account”, we will verify and setup within business hours. Once confirmed you will have the choice of pay as you go or charge to your account on each order.

Q: If I’m paying by bank transfer what reference should I put?
You can put your order number, name or property address or all of these.

Q: If I’m ordering an historic search of a title, why does it not include all historic information concerning the land dating back from the beginning of the land transfer records?
A copy of a historic title will provide all current and historic information regarding that title from the date that title issued. If that title comes from subdivided land (and most titles have been subdivided from a larger block of land at some point) and you want historic information dating back further, a search will need to be conducted on the title/titles prior to it, and the title before that and so on. This type of historic searching backwards to a specific date ie; 1890 or a specific action ie; when a relative sold the land, can take considerable time and will attract the charges of all the titles involved in the search and time and attendance charges. You will need to enquire at [email protected] for more information on this type of search.

Q: What if the property address I enter is not available as an option to choose?
Sometimes a property may have a different address on google addresses to the property you require, in this case utilize the “Advanced Search” tab and provide as much information as you can.

Q: What if I require a search of a particular flat or unit in a block of many
Individual flats and units will often not show on the google address options, please utilize the “Advanced Search” tab and provide as much information on the flat or unit as you can, we will be in contact should we require additional information